We manage our own crop and livestock farms.


Our farmer’s field school train farmers on good agricultural practices and Farm product processing

Field support

MUCL provide field support to farmers during planting and harvest season

Community Outreach

We do community outreach and enlightenment campaigns to sensitize farmers on innovative agricultural methods

General Consultancy

We do general agricultural consultancy services for individual farmers, groups, or organizations.

Who we are

MinaPro Ultra Consulting Ltd (MUCL) is a knowledge-driven indigenous firm of agricultural experts, incorporated in Nigeria with the aim of providing agricultural solutions to its clients. The firm is in the business of exploiting the myriad of opportunities in the agricultural sector, providing sufficient information, and improving the agricultural ecosystem. Read more…



At MUCL, we own both crops and livestock farms managed by our staff.


We train farmers, agric officers, and other stakeholders in the agribusiness sector.

Advocacy Program

Our community advocacy programs have greatly impacted agricultural practices.

Field support to Farmers

We provide support to rural farmers during planting and harvest season.

General consultancy

Individuals, Farmers’ groups, and corporate organizations have benefited from our consultancy services.

Agricultural product preservation

We help farmers preserve farm produce or teach them good preservation methods.

Meet Our Team

Danbaba Nehemiah

Value Chain Advisor

Our Clients

Our Completed Projects

Community Outreach

Pest control advocacy

product processing training

good farming method seminars

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